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An analysis of the latest trends in malware
and hacked websites at Sucuri.

An analysis of the latest trends in malware and hacked websites at Sucuri.

Learn about the top threats against your website.

CMS Applications

WordPress infections rose to 90% in 2018.

The most notorious threats to CMS’ stem from vulnerabilities introduced by add-on modules, plugins, themes, and extensions.

Get The Full Report>>

Outdated CMS

44% of infected sites had outdated CMS software.

High-value targets like ecommerce websites with valuable customer data (i.e., credit card and user information) need to update their software to ensure they have the latest security enhancements.

Learn why you need to update>>

Blacklist Analysis

95% of traffic is lost when blacklisted by Google.

The majority of blacklisting occurs due to spam, phishing, and other malicious content that harms website visitors.

Don't Get Blacklisted>>

Malware Families

68% of websites analyzed revealed a hidden backdoor.

Backdoors allow an attacker to retain unauthorized access to an environment long after they have successfully infected a website.

Protect Your Site From Malware>>

Learn about the threats against your website.